ABOUT US2023-06-30T15:51:50+07:00

About PT. Impact Power Mandiri

PT. Impact Power Mandiri is a company engaging in Shopper Marketing Services. We provide a range of services including Outsourcing, Sales Consultant, Employee Training, Branding, Production, Event Activation, and Product Sampling.

Our team has a deep background in Sales and Marketing. Therefore, we fully understand the needs of your company and we are able to grow together with your company in order to achieve the goals. Until now, we are in a corporational partnership with several national and international companies.

For us, Human Resources is a company’s most important value. Hence, PT. Impact Power Mandiri is working hard to facilitate your company in providing top quality human resources according to our slogan, “We Act With Excellent Result”.

Our Vision

PT. Impact Power Mandiri becoming the bench mark of outsorcing company and shopper marketing services.

Our Mission

  1. Providing inovation and development for every available service.
  2. Developing by quality employee training.
  3. Providing competent and experienced human resources in each of their respectful division.

Our Leader

Two Experts In One Vision

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Area Coverage

Cross Network Indonesia Coverage Area

Head Office

Jl. Andara Raya No.20, Pangkalan Jati Baru, Kec. Cinere, Kota Depok 16513

Phone : 021-53158064

Mobile : 0811-1717-660

Email : marketing@impactpower.id

Head Office

Jl. Andara Raya No.20, Pangkalan Jati Baru, Kec. Cinere, Kota Depok 16513

Phone : 021-53158064

Mobile : 0811-1717-660

Email : marketing@impactpower.id


Jl. Semarang No.58 Antapani Kidul, Kec. Antapani, Kota Bandung, Jawa Barat 40291

Mobile : 0896-4695-2193 (Widia) / 0822-1688-7832 (Dian)

Email : widia.asnizar@impactpower.id / dian.sukmasari20@gmail.com


Jl. Letnan Jenderal S. Parman No 76, Lempongsari, Gajahmungkur, Semarang, Jawa tengah 50232

Mobile : 0813-9965-9995

Email : bintangeka21@gmail.com


Jl Kober No.5 RT02 RW01 Bobosan, Purwokerto Utara 53127

Mobile : 0857-0043-4918

Email : windyhastiwi@gmail.com


Besi Mulya block C No.67 RT04 RW31, Sukoharjo, Ngaglik, Sleman, Yogyakarta 55581

Mobile : 0822-3819-1158

Email : veronicanugraheni@gmail.com


Tenggilis Mejoyo BLOK KA-4 No.15, Kec. Tenggilis Mejoyo, Surabaya

Mobile : 0857-4999-0979 (Imay) / 0896-6490-0666 (Ayu)

Email : imay83.impact@gmail.com / aiyu.impacsby@gmail.com


Jl. Simpang Tondano 4 blok A3-F2, Sawojajar 1, Malang

Mobile : 0812-5273-2162 (Jeffry)

Email :


Jl. Teuku Umar Gg. Maruti No. 3, Denpasar, Bali

Mobile : 0813-5367-4083 (Astiti)

Email : astitiwindari02@gmail.com


Jl. Kurma Blok III RT43 RW003 No.101 Sungai Andai, Banjarmasin Utara

Mobile : 0887-2239-615 (Eka Noor)

Email : ekanor3@gmail.com


Jl. Desa Kapur, Komplek Kota Raya Blok MH. No. 27, Ds. Kapur, Kec. Sungai Raya, Kab. Kubu Raya, Kalimantan Barat

Mobile : 0812-9495-6236 (Riani)

Email : rianinurlaelawati@gmail.com


Jl. Wolter Monginsidi Gg.7 RT21 No.14 Samarinda 75123

Mobile : 0853-4817-6156 (Michelle) / 0813-5231-8416 (Anita)

Email : michelle.kalalo94@gmail.com / impact.nita02@gmail.com


BTN Minahasa UPA Blok H6 No.22 RT001/RW023, Gunung Sari, Rappocini, Kota Makassar

Mobile : 0852-5595-4366 (Hamidah)

Email : ms.hamidah1012@gmail.com


Koka, Lingkungan 2 Kecamatan Mapanget, Kelurahan Mapanget Barat, Kota Manado 95258 (Depan GPDI Eben Haezar)

Mobile : 0821-4659-7313 (Febri)

Email : hendric323@gmail.com


Jl. Karya Bersama Gg. Karya Bersama Dalam No A-1, Medan Johor

Mobile : 0852-7929-2730 (Hafid)

Email : hafid.impact@gmail.com


Jl. Pinang No.15, Wonorejo, Kec. Marpoyan Damai, Kota Pekanbaru, Riau 28128

Mobile : 0813-6306-9336 (Sari)

Email : sariwahyunizein@gmail.com


Jl. Lunjuk Jaya Bukit Lama No.97, Kec. Ilir Barat 1, Palembang 30137 (Sebelah Djukie Mobilindo)

Mobile : 0812-7171-7836 (Nurita)

Email : nuritaprima1@gmail.com


Jl. Mataram No. 32 Enggal, Bandar Lampung

Mobile : 0895-1411-3541 (Ainun)

Email : aieainun_bandarlampung@yahoo.com


Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No.87 RT20, Talang Bakung, Paal Merah, Kota Jambi

Mobile : 0853-6148-2396 (Yusuf)

Email : yapseml@gmail.com


Jl Korindo Perum Oktaviary Blok A No.28 Kec. Bintan Timur, Batam

Mobile : 0857-6541-1865

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